We funded a haircut for a teenager who was suffering anxiety, and who’s hair had got so matted, they were unable to brush it. Also living in poverty, this child is going through a very difficult time. We would like to say a massive thank you to Giovanna Kennedy from StylistiX Hair & Beauty Ltd who welcomed them to their salon, and professionally, sympathetically, and confidentially gave the child a new haircut.
This is the feedback we have received – “The haircut was brilliant and looks lovely and Jo was great. It has made a huge difference and have just seen *********** again today and it is now much easier to maintain and not getting tangled as it was. Not only has the haircut made them feel a bit better about themselves, but knowing that people have cared enough to take them, and to do the haircut I think it has also helped. *********** does not ever get anything and is a young person that asks for nothing. The only presents they got over Christmas were from Ashley’s birthday bank so again thank you for those.