Please also see our “Useful Info” page for all contacts for local organisations.
Do you need our help, or know anyone who needs our help?
Referrals need to come from Social Workers, Support Workers, Pastoral Care Workers, Health Visitors etc. They can email us for a referral form –
If you/they meet the following criteria, we may be able to help:-
If you are in receipt of benefits (we need proof of this) and have been referred by your children’s school, Health Visitor, Social Worker or Children’s Centre
Families who have been sanctioned by the Job Centre
Families who have been made homeless through no fault of their own, including families living in temporary accommodation (B&B/Refuge etc)
Children who are carers
Children with life limiting illnesses
Under 18 pregnant mums
We help with providing Birthday and Christmas presents for children under 16 years of age. We also provide crisis packs, including food parcels, nappies, baby formula, clothing, household items, toiletries, baby equipment etc.
We can also give you advice on how to obtain further assistance, ie how to get vouchers for food banks, Local Council Contacts, information on Domestic Violence Support, Housing and Financial Budgeting.
Don’t feel you are on your own. We are here to help and some of our Trustees have been through domestic violence, struggled financially and have all had childcare experience, so can offer personal advice.
We are all volunteers, so every penny raised goes directly to helping those in need.