Feedback received today from a young Mum’s Social Worker – ”
I have been out to visit the family today who you have helped support. Mum was incredibly grateful for the food shop and said that she has now discovered that her son likes mince as a result! The kitchen utensils have been a huge help and have made for a great starter kitchen set. The clothes and toy donations have been greatly received too , the clothes having been neatly folded away into age order. They should keep the child clothed for many months yet. The parent has been able to update her child’s toys using ones which were donated, which I saw him playing happily with this morning. The child did not have a highchair until you donated one, which has made meal times much more manageable and fun.
This family have waited a long time to have their own home and live independently-Ashley’s birthday bank have contributed to this immensely. Thank you for you ongoing support! ”
Thank you to everyone who donated items – you all make it possible for us to continue our service