November Update

Well it’s been an eventful few weeks (in more ways than one!); we have provided (or are in the process of providing); school uniform – due to mental health & poverty; baby toys for a little one who only had a rattle and one book; a new heater for a family in poverty who can’t afford the full heating on; a cot for a family in poverty; baby milk and nappies for a family in poverty; 8 x weekly food shops for families who are struggling due to benefit changes, domestic violence or poverty; a pushchair, clothes and toys – gone to a family who have fled domestic violence with a bag of clothes and toys between them; 2 x single mattresses and 2 x beds for children who were sleeping on old bedding on the floor; a moses basket, bedding, toys and clothes for a family in poverty; a toddler bed and mattress, clothes, bedding and toys for a family due to poverty; a travel cot for a family living in temporary accommodation; girls clothes for a family who have suffered domestic violence; Primark vouchers and clothing to a family who have suffered domestic violence and fled with no clothes; a bed, mattress, 3 x new wardrobes, and 3 x Ashley Bears for a family who have suffered domestic violence,. 6 more Ashley Bears for new families going to the Refuge; 6 Ashley Bears going to a Social Working Team for current children who have gone through domestic violence or abuse. The Christmas present referrals are coming in thick and fast too. Thank you to everyone for your continued support, especially following the recent court case with our former Founder. We appreciate each and every one of you.

thank you x