Apologies for the lack of posts -This update will show you why – we have been very busy over the past month:-
A double bed & mattress, single bed & mattress, toddler bed & mattress gone to a family who fled domestic violence from another area; a stairgate to a child being safeguarded; a £50 Primark voucher to a parent in the refuge who had lost her only possessions of a suitcase of clothes; a foodshop for a family who had taken in a family member’s child; a foodshop for a mum who had changes in benefits and had to borrow £4 from a friend for milk for her toddler; a food shop for a family who had their money stolen and children were not attending school; a washing machine and foodshop for a parent with mental health issues; a single bed & mattress, double bed & mattress, duvets, bedding, hoover and iron for a family who had escaped domestic violence; birthday gifts for children in the refuge; double bedding, small cot, cot bedding and toys to a family living in poor conditions in poverty; 12 x birthday gifts for children in poverty; 3 x single beds for a single parent who had recently been homeless; a single bed for a child at risk due to parent with drug use and subsequent domestic violence attack; a washing machine and single bed for a family who’s child is at risk of neglect due to recent domestic violence; 2 single beds for a family in poverty; nappies and wipes to the refuge; a food shop for a family who have had special guardianship for a young child; pram, nappies, wipes, and baby clothes for a baby who’s parent has just come out of the care system; a food shop including nappies for a parent who has lost their job and was struggling to feed their child; a microwave and foodshop for a family in poverty; a special pressure blanket for a child with autism who’s family are in poverty; bed frame and bedding to a young parent who has been homeless and due a baby – and another food shop for a parent in poverty with mental health issues.
We have also fundraised at a fete and have two more fetes in June. This raises much needed funds to keep the above service going. Thank you to everyone who supports us – the families are always so appreciative of the help they receive. So sad that all this goes on in our local area – let’s all support each other and make a difference