It’s been a manic few weeks, but we did it! Provided over 900 Christmas presents, hundreds of Christmas food treats and numerous weekly food shops. The presents went to children who would otherwise have woken up without a gift on Christmas day, for various reasons, including poverty, neglect, care leavers, domestic violence or abuse. The treats and toiletries went to the larger families and the ones in most need. The food shops went to the families who literally had bare cupboards and fridges. We hope we managed to make a difference to what should be a special day for everyone. And that 2020 is a more positive year for you all.
We were humbled by the generosity of local individuals and businesses who provided toys, food treats, toiletries, vouchers and cash donations. We couldn’t do this without you. On behalf of myself and Lynn, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and you have a Happy and Healthy 2020. A special massive thank you to Lynn who was Mother Christmas and sorted the majority of the presents while I was at work (we run the charity in our spare time, so this time of year is especially hectic). You are a star.
To everyone who provided a gift to Wave 105 Mission Christmas, you are amazing. And to all the staff and volunteers at Wave who sorted over 50,000 gifts – you are fantastic!!
Anna xx