Ashley Bear Continuing to Give Much Needed Comfort

We had the PR photos taken for Talbot Village Trust this week – for the money we received to launch “Ashley Bear”. The bear has been so well received, and continues to bring comfort to the children who have suffered neglect, abuse or witnessed domestic violence.

Press Release –

Talbot Village Trust gives charity a boost to help disadvantaged children

Talbot Village Trust has helped the local charity, Ashley’s Birthday Bank, launch the ‘Ashley Bear’ initiative which supports children affected by domestic violence and neglect.

The ‘Ashley Bear’ project has been created by the charity to provide children across Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch with a teddy bear if they have been exposed to or affected by domestic violence. The £1,800 grant received from the Trust enabled the charity to purchase 300 ‘Ashley bears’ and will bring the children comfort. So far the bears have been distributed to the local women’s refuges, social workers, police liaison officers, and abuse counsellors.

Anna Selby, chairperson of Ashley’s Birthday Bank, said: “We were delighted to receive funding for our ‘Ashley Bear’ initiative. We have already received positive feedback that suggests the bears became a companion for the children and someone to talk to when they were feeling sad or lonely. We are so grateful to the Trust for allowing us to continue helping the county’s most vulnerable families through our service.”

Russell Lucas-Rowe, Trustee of Talbot Village Trust, added: “It is a harrowing reality that children can be exposed to domestic violence, abuse and neglect in their lives. Ashley’s Birthday Bank works hard to highlight the need that there is across the county for these children and their families to be supported through its crisis service.

“In order to continue serving our local communities, the charity relies solely on donations from local companies and individuals, and we would like to encourage others to back this cause if they can.”

Talbot Village Trust meets biannually, and will be accepting applications for funding from both previous and new applicants in the area before the Trustees meet in spring of this year. Please go to for more information.
