Co-op Community Fund – Support for 2021-2022

We have been chosen as one of the charities in the next Co-op Local Community Fund at Co-op Highcliffe, and Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground.
From 24 October 2021 to 22 October 2022 Co-op members can choose to raise funds for our cause.
For every £1 members spend on selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p will go into our membership account.
The same amount will support community organisations and local causes like us.
They spilt this equally between:
Local Community Fund. Members have raised £84 million for over 25,000 causes since 2016
Community Partnerships Fund. Co-op work with like-minded national organisations to create lasting change on the issues they care about
To collect rewards and contribute to your cause, members must swipe or scan their membership card when they shop. If they do not, we will miss out on funds.

Rowena – Mrs Christmas

The lovely Rowena Stewart is doing another “Christmas Present Appeal” for us again this year. Last year, everyone was so generous, and the gifts were so very well received by children in poverty in our local area. These gifts go to children who would otherwise go without a present on Christmas morning, so every purchase makes a massive difference. Thank you Rowena, and all the lovely friends and supporters who purchase gifts.
This is the Amazon Wishlist that Rowena has made – please make a purchase, however small, and we will start gifting them shortly through referrals from Social Workers, Police Liaison Officers, Pastoral Care Workers, Health Visitors etc.


We are still busy supporting local families.  This year has been extremely busy, and with the addition of lockdown and covid issues, this has meant an increased need for food shops and general support for these families.

It has also been a busy year for us personally – with family illness, a wedding, a house move, grandchildren etc !   So apologies for the lack of updates

We appreciate your continued support, and are now in the throws of sorting Christmas referrals for the families struggling again this year.
