Busy Pandemic Period

We have continued to be busy during the current epidemic. In the past month, we have supporting families with the following:- a fridge freezer to a family who have fled domestic violence; a cot for a child due to neglect; clothing and bedding for a child in poverty; a washing machine for a family who have fled domestic violence; a double mattress for a family in poverty; a pushchair for a young mum in poverty; a hoover & stairgate for a parent in poverty; a highchair for a family who have been through domestic violence; a moses basket, nappies and toys for a baby born in poverty; a fridge freezer and washing machine for a family leaving the refuge; 2 x mattresses for vulnerable children; a cot and beds for a family in poverty; bunk beds for a family who have fled domestic violence; a double bed for a family who were homeless; a fold up bed for a family in poverty; new beds for children due to neglect; moses basket, baby bath, clothing and blankets for a baby born after domestic violence and mum had been homeless; a freezer for a family due to poverty and mental health issues; household items, kitchen equipment and bedding for a family moving from the refuge; a washing machine for a family in poverty with severe health issues; a highchair and stairgate for a child under child protection; 19 x weekly food shops for families in poverty; 2 x birthday gifts for children in poverty; a double bed and 2 single beds for a family who’s children had been subjected to abuse; bedding and stairgate for a family in poverty; a cot for a family in poverty; washing machine, lamps, hoover and household items for a family leaving the refuge; school uniform for a child in poverty; and a birthday gift for a child who had been subjected to abuse. We have also provided toiletries, food treats, cleaning products and craft items for numerous families.
Thank you to everyone who supports us. If anyone would like to raise funds for us through their work or business, please email us – ashleysbirthdaybank@gmail.com The food shops alone this month have cost over £1500! We can only continue to support families through funding and grants. We run the charity completely on a voluntary basis, so every penny goes where it should.
We are always in need of stairgates, so if anyone has any they could donate, please email us

Lovely Feedback

A lovely email received this morning – ” I just wanted to say a massive thank you for supporting one of our families again. I am extremely grateful, as I know the Mum will be. Your speed in accepting the referral and acting on it is amazing – thank you, thank you, thank you!

Another lovely message received from a Family Support Practitioner – “Just a quick note to thank you for the two children’s mattresses that were delivered earlier in the week; they will make a huge difference to two very vulnerable little people – Thank you x”