Quiz Night Fundraiser – Saturday 14th April

Charity Quiz Night

Saturday 14th April 2018

Venue:  Hall on the Hill,

17 Marlow Drive,

 Christchurch BH23 2RR

Arrival 7pm

Tickets £10 per person

includes Chilli or Curry supper

Teams max 8

Refreshments and raffle available on the night

Email for entry form – ashleysbirthdaybank@gmail.com


17c Willow Way, Christchurch, Dorset.  BH23 1JJ

Tel: 07864 840443

Email:  ashleysbirthdaybank@gmail.com

Website:  www.ashleysbirthdaybank.com

Ashley’s Birthday Bank Charity No: 1161258

It’s Carnival Time!

Thank you so much to Corfe Mullen Carnival for choosing as as one of the recipients of the carnival proceeds this year. We were delighted to attend the Princess & Prince Selection Night last night – both as judges, and to introduce our Charity to the audience. The Princess, Prince and Attendants looked fantastic. We are looking forward to attending the events leading up to the carnival, and to have a stall at the event. Please all support the Carnival – it is a great Community Event.


Happy Easter To All Our Families

We have been fortunate enough to be able to donate over 650 Easter Eggs this year.  These have gone to Social Services, children in Care, in the Refuges, Victims of Human Trafficking, Pastoral Care Workers, Family Outreach Workers, Children’s Centres, and underprivileged children in Local Schools.

We hope you all have a Happy Easter.

Thank you again to all the Local Companies for your kind donations.


A Much Needed Holiday for a Local Family

We feel blessed with the continual support we receive from local individuals and Companies. We received a call from Wave 105 as a man had phoned them to offer a week’s holiday to a charity who support families in need. We thought of a family straightaway who have been through an horrific ordeal recently, and truly deserve a family break. So thank you to Mark Hibbs and Wave 105 – two children and their mum are beaming from ear to ear. We hope this will be the new start they all need.

Donation of New Bike

The generosity of local people is amazing, and helps us continue to support families in need. We received a phone call today from a man who “wanted to help a local child who has had a difficult life”. He went and purchased a brand new bike, assembled it and delivered it to us. This will be going to a young lad who would benefit the most from this bike. Thank you so much to Michael Farrell from Retro Recovery. This will make so much difference.
